Our friendship

Created by Samantha 3 years ago

I first met June when I went to work in Holbeach library nearly twenty five years ago and we hit it off from the start. I appreciated June's sarcastic and witty sense of humour and we have had many laughs over the years. I also always admired her energy too, no one could ever move shelf loads of books around so fast as she could! When I left the library, back in 2003, we both made sure we kept in touch and used to meet up for a meal and a catch-up every couple of months or so. It was during these times that I properly got to know the real June, who would talk of Brian (who she clearly adored) and of her family, who she loved so dearly and I will always think of these warm and happy times that we spent together. During recent years, since Brian has become poorly, our meetings were mainly visits to the house where we would still manage to talk full pelt - and we never, ever ran out of conversation! Although we were of different ages and stages in our lives, we shared many values and opinions which is why I believe we got along so well and why our friendship lasted - and would have continued to do so - I know that with all certainty. It is with great sadness but enormous affection I now say goodbye to a very dear friend.

Much love and with fondest and funny memories

Sam xx